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All lectures are held in English


Remote leadership
Duration: 1.5 hour
Trust, Communication and Inspiration values are the bedrock for Remote Leadership. These days, many organizations are faced with a new reality that requires employees and managers to work from home - WFH.
The rapidly changed work environment brings new challenges.
The lecture will focus on providing managers with tools that allows to maximize the value from WFH and even grow it into an organization that implements employment innovation.
The tools will focus on topics that are always relevant to remote work combined with the emphases of the new situation.
The tools in the lecture will focus on 3 important principles:
Inspired and connected in times of crisis and uncertainty how to maintain a team culture that includes atmosphere, energy, tools for reducing over sitting and proper ergonomic work formulating and celebrating successes and events remotely. Feedback and mutual feedback, coffee breaks, personal development and distance learning
The Golden Triangle for Remote Productivity: calendar anchors CBH, Deep Work and Less, MAS, Alpha Breaks + Lunch
Communication and coordination of expectations regarding work according to goals, Building a relationship of trust even from a distance
Our top customers
Tik Tok
Jonson at Johnson
Applied Materials

The perfect WFH policy
Trust, Self Discipline and Integrity values are the bedrock for WFH
Target Audience: Management and HR teams
Duration: 2 hours, 1 hour lecture + 1 hour discussion
Benchmark review of all trends regarding WFH policies in Israel and around the world before and after COVID-19
• What are the business benefits research studies have found about work from home?
• When work from home is less effective? WFH Challenges
• All the Critical Methods to Help us Build a Right WFH Business Policy?
• Building a new psychological contract between employees and managers that is based on trust alongside high productivity

Employee Experience Focus On Gen Y& Z
Target Audience: Managers
Duration: 1.5 Hours
A fascinating and innovative lecture examining top corporate and case studies hacking the new and relevant relationships between employees and employers in the New Era.
The lecture will deal with the hottest topics in the field:
• The key expectations and values of employees and customers in this New Era how the psychological contract is changing and generating the Employee Experience
• The significance of the Fourth Industrial Revolution robots, artificial intelligence and more
• Reconsidering the role of managers within the organization in terms of connecting with employees, creating transparency and fairness, acknowledgement and recognition
• Enabling Space for creative, collaborative, and convergent work
• "Work Hard Play Hard" a new balance between work and private lives
• Creativity and innovation that comes from all employees, and the connection between senior managers and young employees
• How to create a buzz that attracts young people...
• What turned Tower, a small company selling surfboards, into a favorite among many employees?
• Why does Buffer, a company in the social media field publish the salaries of all its employees on its website?
• How did Friedman LLP dramatically reduce the turnover of their young accountants?


The Happiness Loop
A fascinating lecture , the science, mechanism and practice for creating habits / loops that will increase our happiness in the changing world of work.
In the changing world there is great importance to the accurate hacking our happiness and wellbeing.
The lecture deals the following questions:
Do New Year Resolution decisions work?
Why is it so hard to create new habits in certain areas of life?
How will brain related science help us create habits?
How products like Netflix, Uber and Wolt use a magic technique to change our consumption habits
In the lecture we will focus on innovative tools for creating effective loops / habits in 5 topics in life:
The Relationship Loop
The Energy Loop
The Boundaries Loop
The Exploring Loop
The Productivity Loop

Airports and Hormones: Happiness and Balance in the New Age
Duration: 1 hour to 1 and a half hours
An innovative, fun and interactive lecture for improving the quality of life in the modern
era. The lecture is suitable for conferences or as an enrichment lecture at the organization's
Studies in happiness and the effect of balance on happiness
New era challenges: WFH, sedentary , overloaded and addiction to screens
The Golden Triangle for work from home Productivity alongside balance: calendar anchors
CBH, Deep Work and Less MAS, Alpha Breaks + Lunch
Selected tips for improving balance and reducing the load
Why time management and efficiency tools do not alleviate our weaknesses (such as obsession
with sports, hobbies or parenthood)?
The connection between Dr. Barry Schwartz s Paradox of Choice and the AirPort Technique (APT)
The AirPort Technique (APT) and Hormones to achieve the following objectives:
1. Balance between Work and Private Life emphasis on family and relationships
2. Sports and Health
3. Reducing Load and Pressure

From FOMO TO JOMO: Connected Yet Alone
Tools for dealing with FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
Duration: 1 hour to 1 and a half hours
Target Audience: Your organization employees and managers
The FOMO term or phenomenon has become a wide experience in the era of WhatsApp and Facebook. The experience is defined as a new type of fear or social anxiety about missing out on experiences, information, or events that others experience or know about What are the implications of the never ending connection to social networks and applications? And why must we experience missed opportunities in the Age of Networks?
Fascinating facts about loneliness and connection in the modern era
How does intense textual communication affect personal relationships?
Tools for dealing with FOMO and returning to a productive and fulfilling life
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